I interview Phil Newman, Editor-in-Chief of Longevity Technology and founder of First Longevity which brings together international investors and Longevity start-ups.


Time for a New Year’s Resolution that Really Works…Discover Longevity Breakthroughs that Increase Your Health and Lifespan

I interview Phil Newman, Editor-in-Chief of Longevity Technology and founder of First Longevity which brings together international investors and Longevity start-ups.

Phil gives us breakthrough information on how Nutraceuticals Research, Longevity Tech, Artificial Intelligence, Diagnostics, Medical Devices; Biopharma; 3D Manufacturing; Smartgrid, and Sustainability will affect your future. This is not just about nutrition and exercise, but how getting on top of the technology for successful aging can realistically hand us the 115-year life!

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