Generation Bold Newsletter–March 22, 2021

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Dear Bolds,

I have been thinking about "Creative Destruction".

As COVID-19 seems to be fading and life reopening, it is hard to ignore what has been destroyed… lives, businesses, families. But some things that have been destroyed left a space for creativity.

Many of us learned to cook. Millions more learned to use technology. Corporate lifestyle became home grounded, and many say more humane. We started to rely on each other for more help and realized the importance of companionship. We discovered what we missed in life and what was superfluous. Many learned a new language, read more books, picked up the guitar again.

Do not lose what you gained in the destruction. Rebuild thoughtfully.

Every week on my podcast Generation Bold the Fountain of Truth About Aging, I end with the phrase "Get Out There Kids and Make It Happen."Well, soon you will be out there again…so whatever your Goal, make it Happen!

This week, I get back to my financial planning roots with an interview with James Jiang the CEO and co-founder of Spark, on selecting Medicare supplement and advantage policies. It is a new world with many new choices. Do not miss his important insights. Listen at Or on  Apple PodcastBizTalk Radio App and most podcast disseminators.

This week I want to bring home the essential point of my current obsession with Health span.

We are concentrating on lifespan in our behaviors and our health care policy. The result is that we do live longer, but not necessarily better or healthier. The Kitalys Institute,, is trying to change the emphasis from lifespan to health span in our thinking, in medical research and in Washington DC policy.

To bring this home, I refer you to an important article by Tim Peterson, Assistant Professor, Department of MedicineWashington University in St. Louis. Please read it. It will make a shift in your thinking about aging. Professor Peterson startlingly tells us that while our lifespan in 2017 was 79 years, we were healthy on average only until age 63. I am fascinated by aging because my family members died so young. Living to 63 was a big bonus. But now, at 73, I understand how terrible the last ten years could have been in ill health. I want us all to be part of the Moonshot of healthy Longevity for all…count successful aging by the life in your years, not just the years in your life.

Every week, I offer three items from my email inbox that I think will interest you. Here are this week's:

  1. The auction house Invaluable has an exciting free newsletter. This week features colossal art failures and fascinating articles on why some artists destroy their work.
  2. Whether you already enjoy TED talks or never heard one, here is a good one for you…Ted talks are 18-minute presentations of ideas worth sharing. This one is an article on 15 Ted talks to spark your creativity.
  3. Are you curious? Dr. Ken Dychtwald, America's leasing gerontologist, is. His latest book, a life-review, teaches us many lessons, Radical CuriosityOn April 11 at 6 pm, eastern time, Ken will guide us through his journey on a one-hour webcast to ignite your spark for life purpose, an essential of creative aging.

Share your thoughts with me and follow me on TwitterLinkedIn, and Facebook



P.S. As always, let me know if you need a speaker for your client appreciation event, conference, keynote, or workshop, or you would like to discuss business consulting, spokesperson services, staff training, or design services for boomers, seniors, and caregiver products, services and residences.

Aristotle’s Minute: - This week's Aristotle Minute is a quote from Aristotle himself:

"No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness."

What degree of madness do you allow yourself in this buttoned-up world?